Our Humans

On our farm, we believe in doing things a little different. We aim to keep things simple and make decisions based on what is best for our moos. No complicated food mixes, no busy amount of people, no desire to do things just because it’s the way they have been done.
We don’t house our girls in cubicles, instead preferring our yard to be open and free-ranging, with fresh straw bedding that is more comfortable and clean. This allows them to wander around freely, engaging with all their mates (you would be surprised how sociable they are!) and after all, who doesn’t prefer a Super King bed to a small single?
This straw bedding is more costly and labour intensive to us but it’s the best thing for them! Mooore comfortable to lie on and and best for their hooves- and that's our motto - "What is best for the moos?!"
In return we use the used bedding as a natural fertiliser for growing our farm's food, creating a natural cycle in our local environment and increasing the organic matter going into the soil and thus increasing its overall health. It might even be called old fashioned farming…
Big Mumma and her team have the autonomy to roam where they want, when they want (except when it is cold & wet during the winter, when we offer them warmth and shelter inside). We have pastures full of green Herefordshire grass all around the farm that they can go to and from at their leisure.
We don’t force them out or force them in, it is their choice. After all, if it is hot outside or pouring with rain, would you not want to come in for some shade or shelter? We think it is wrong to force them outside, just as it is wrong to force them inside. totally free-range!
We have chosen robotic milking as we can see it leads to a life of less stress for the moos as they are around us humans less. We are present only to top up their food buffets, fix anything that needs fixing or add extra clean straw to keep things clean. This has resulted in the calmest of animals who personify the feeling of contentment.
Our family have been involved in milk for the past 40 years and it on this system where we have seen the happiest of cows. We watch with fascination, all the social nuances between them and the different personalities they possess. We love our happy cows and really believe it is a Whole Moo World when our moos are in charge!